Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Tomorrow's a big day!

Tomorrow is our appointment at the Cardiologist. I'm hoping and praying that we will be seen and told that nothing has changed. My fear is the anyrism (I'm too lazy right now to look up the spelling) will have grown. Kendall is doing really well. She tires easily and has to take breaks after playing and her face is still pale, but all in all she is holding her own. She is still on baby asprin twice a day.

The other two are great! They are still concerned about Kendall. Isabella will ask me at least once a day if Kendall is still sick. I think it's great that she and Jake both care so much for their sister. When you think of two year olds, you think all they would care about is themselves and of course their toys that belong to "them", but Jake and Isabella knew when I did that something was just not right. They have been champs since the beginning.

Mom flew home this morning, she will be back in a couple of weeks. I bought her tickets to Toby Keith's concert in Atlanta for her birthday. She is a HUGE fan of Toby Keith so I knew this would be a gift that she would love. We will be away for about 24 hours! Chris will have my brother here to help, but he would be fine on his own!

I will post tomorrow and let you know how it goes! By the way, LOVE the cooler weather. I've been outside with the kids all day, they even took a 2 hour nap!!!

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE naps. I LOVE this weather. Can we keep it longer than 2 days...please?

    Saying a prayer for the cardiologist visit tomorrow.
